Addie's place on the web...

Just some stuff I want to share with you

Photo tagging and resizing

Sunday 9 August 2020

I ended my photo cleanup post with the statement that I should review how I resize images and handle the Exif tags in them.

That process took over 30 hours to resize the (5.000+) photos on the site and still resulted in some issues. Over the last weeks, I switched to another toolset to do the resizing. It now takes less than 1 hour to resize the images and so far, I have not found any issues with the results.

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Fun with Jekyll plugins

Sunday 28 June 2020

Earlier this year, I started to rebuild my website and decided to rebuild it with a static site generator: Jekyll. While building the site, I had some design principles in mind:

  • The HTML pages should contain as little clutter as possible.
  • The site should look good on smartphones, tablets and computers.
  • Try to limit the amount of processing that needs to be done by the browser.

This requires processing of the photos and GPS tracks while generating the static HTML files. To do that, there are lots of plugins out there that can help. I found quite some plugins that can-do parts of the trick, but in the end, I still ended up with issues. But hey, I am an IT-guy; I can build a plugin myself, right?

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Photo cleanup

Sunday 31 May 2020

Over time, I used different methods to add GPS information to my photos. After the release of my static website, I noticed that lots of photos showed wrong or incomplete data. Time to investigate.

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Rebuilding my website

Thursday 30 April 2020
WordPressGallery 2NextGEN GalleryJekyll

I started this website back in 2009 and based on WordPress. By using WordPress, I hoped that I could focus on the content and didn’t have to spend a lot of time on the technology. Boy, was I wrong…. Time for a major overhaul.

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